50: How we decluttered our home in one week + A celebratory Q&A!

Today I’m celebrating 50 episodes on minimal-ish by talking about one of my most requested topics- decluttering! I give some tips and actionable steps to help you declutter your home FAST! Because we don’t want to be decluttering for the rest of our life, right?

I also do a celebratory Q&A because this is something I’ve wanted to do for a while - I have questions I’ve saved for over two months now on instagram (from that little Q&A story bubble) and I answer four minimalism related questions and 3 personal questions (2 of them are podcasting related so if you’ve been interested in hearing about podcasting, listen in!)

Another celebration - MAKE ROOM IS OPEN!

For 5 days my online course is open and we’ll be running through it TOGETHER in October - YAY!

I can’t wait to guide you through decluttering your home, your days, and your mindset and making this minimalism thing work for your life!

I’ve decided once I close the doors this time, I won’t be opening them again til spring of 2020- I want to be able to give all of my energy to each round, and I just can’t do that several times per year.

If the podcast has inspired you to live with less - Make Room is an actionable, step by step version of that where we get to have coffee together live each week with a Q&A/ video call! There are also 30+ video lessons that you’ll get lifetime access to and a workbook to guide you through with questions to help you take action on your learning.

I can’t wait to do this together!


Desirae on Instagram

Buy Nothing


Prepdish - A meal planning service- get your first two weeks free!
FamilyAlbum - a free photo and video sharing app

If you want to support the show, check out our sponsors! We’re so grateful for them as they make Minimal-ish possible!

Desirae Endres